Martin Žufánek / Le Traditionnel / 2022
ŽUFÁNEK s.r.o.

Dnes domácí degustace očekávaných absintových novinek.
První z nich je Le Traditionnel od Petr Šlechta destilovaný u kluků v Landcraftu.
Petr je známý člen absintové mafie, zapálený domácí palič, který se rozhodl svoje zkušenosti ukázat i na komerčním trhu. A neskutečně se mu to povedlo. Le Traditionnel je hodný svému názvu. Nejklasičtější absintový styl bez ústupků. Hutný louche, žádný alco heat, ve vůni dominantní kombinace anýzu, fenyklu a yzopu. Pelyněk je hodně v pozadí, ale to vůbec nevadí. Nejsem úchyl Štefan, který upsal svůj život pelyňkovému Satanovi. Hehe.
Neuvěřitelně mě baví naprosto brutální vanilkovost a nádech tabáku typická pro vyladěné badyánové bomby.
Hrozně dobrý absint s jednoduchým, ale o to elegantnějším profilem. Doporučuju všema deseti a mám z toho upřímnou radost.
Degustována láhev číslo 132 z 261. Alkohol ďábelských 66,6 %, láhev amerických 375 ml. Za kolik to Petr bude prodávat zatím netuším. Láhve jsem vyměnil za své Dubiedy.
Steve Williams / Le Traditionnel / 2022
Absinthe "le Traditionnel" (Petr Šlechta and I discussed the name. I feel it should be "la Traditionnelle" but Petr has strong feelings about this.)
This is really a superb absinthe. The fact that it's Petr's first commercial product is very impressive. The following notes are taken from the original recipe, which has been altered a bit for the final product, so I'm not completely sure if everything still applies: It's a Montpellier style absinthe, with a perfect amount of corriander seed in the recipe. It has the leather and vanilla notes of prebans, as well as the amazing baby powder scent that I absolutely love. The spirit is wine based, and I believe it has been rested in an oak barrel (fût de chêne). It tastes herbal but light, if that makes sense. It seems like several glasses could be drunk with no problem, as opposed to other herbal absinthes like a Jade, which seem "heavier".
Another Montpellier style absinthe, which I won't name, is way way too lemony. I detest super lemony absinthes. This one, although it's colored with melissa, does not taste lemony to me at all. The melissa blends perfectly with the other herbs.
To sum it up, I would buy a huge amount of this absinthe if it were possible. It's easily in my top 5. But alas, it was a small limited run which sold out quickly to private supporters. I very much hope Petr is able to make this a recurring product with a wider distribution. He also shared some future plans with me, but I will let him comment on that if he wishes, or keep it secret for now if he wishes.
I also LOVE the "Petit Prince" references. It's my favorite children's story. I love the imagery and the graphics in this story, and Petr has incorporated this well into his promotional material for this absinthe.

Martial Philippi / La Pharmacienne / 2024

Natural colouring. Magnificent louche, which disperse gradually. Light oil cover on the top. Very louded with wormwood plants.(Artemisia Absinthium) La Pharmacienne hat a very good balanced taste. Subtil flavours in the mouth. Refreshing bouqet with mint finish. Fresh and yet delicate taste. An excellent absinthe.
Paolo Castaldi / Le Traditionnel / 2023

Questo absinthe prodotto da Prince D'Absinthe è l'ultima novità prodotta in Repubblica Ceca che ho avuto il piacere di assaggiare.